Who wouldn't be passionate about this intricately designed botanical masterpiece? And as beautiful as passionflower is, this perennial climbing vine native to the Southeast US (Passiflora incarnata) has been renown for centuries as the gold standard in herbalism for sedation and anxiety relief. Passionflower has also been used across many cultures for centuries as a gentle sleep aid.
How does passionflower actually work? The primary chemical constituents in passionflower that help to soothe the nervous system include flavonoids and alkaloids, which work together with your own GABA receptors to enable calmness and relaxation. (By the way - GABA is an amino acid in our bodies that helps calm the nervous system and regulate sensory input. So it's pretty important to help us chill out.)

Yawning yet?? Check out this amazing study conducted in 2020 on the effects of passionflower and sleep!
Don't put your pajamas on until you read this study comparing an herbal blend of passionflower, valerian root and hops to the commonly prescribed sleep aid "Ambien". Wow! The effects were remarkable similar!

At Happy Girl Farm, we cultivate and sustainably harvest passionflower (Passiflora incarnata) in Ocala, FL. Side note: What does "sustainably harvest" really mean to us at Happy Girl Farm? We always leave lots and lots for the birds, bees and butterflies of course!
Once harvested, the passionflowers are dried along with the leaves and stems of the whole plant. This usually takes about a week. Next, the dried plant material is added to a water / alcohol mix to begin the process of medicinal extraction of the chemical constituents. The passionflower tincture is then allowed to rest in a cool, dark shelf for approximately 3-6 months. It is during this time that the medicinal magic happens! The calming and relaxing passionflower tincture is then bottled and ready to go to its new home as part of your natural healing medicine chest.
Click the links below to learn more about our best selling CTFO (Chill the F* Out) and Sleep Potion tinctures.
Hint... passionflower is one of the main ingredients!
